Top 5 List Monday

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So I have decided to start a little TOP 5 list daily for the things I think that need to be mentioned.

Number 1 spot for me today is CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Number 2 spot for the day is SMILING.

Number 3 spot I reckon is going to be HUMILITY.

Number 4 spot rolling in is FAITH.

And finally number 5 is FUN.

SO what is the deal with the post? I like to work on things daily. So with that being said, this is a work on list for the day. I don’t have much fun, so my fun for the day is going to be finishing up a crochet project.

My faith is in our good Lord but I’ve notice it has been slipping some and I need to really focus on this. This will probably be on my daily list every day for the next century!

Humility is sometimes very hard for me. I am confident in myself and sometimes that shows a lot. I can come across as cocky especially if I know I am right or know that something will work out the way I know it will. I have over the years learned to tone it down and to train people. Training has really helped assess myself into the person I am today. It’s a rewarding feeling helping people, but it is also humbling. So for today, I am going to work on humility in a different light and find a volunteering gig to help nourish myself in the world of humility.

What in the world would I need to learn about smiling? Not a whole lot but it’s good to have a silly thing on your list to do daily, just to give yourself some pleasure. I love to smile. It makes me feel good. But it also makes other people feel confident in the fact that you are friendly. A smile can change the world. You simply need to look up to see it. So everyone I challenge you to look up from your phones, tablets, computers, or whatever else you may be looking at and smile at someone. You may just make their day.

And finally I come to Customer Service. My whole professional life has been customer service oriented. I started out in my first major position as a Customer Service Professional and each passing year and position I have held since then, has revolved around customer service. My project for customer service today, is to start a training manual for Southern Hospitality Mentality toward business.